My name is Mahelda but you can call me Hildie and to describe who I am, I must start from the beginning. As a young child, I would see things that were not normal and unbelievable but wouldn’t speak of it. I told my mother and grandmothers that my hands had magic, I could fix things, and I could tell them things that happened and were going to happen.
Whenever any part of my body was hurting, got bruised, cut, or did not feel well; I would put my hands over or near the area and tell myself “You are better now”. I would also visualize myself healing and getting better. My mother wouldn’t acknowledge or confirm what I was telling her, but she would always ask me to lay next to her when she was not feeling well and when her head was hurting, she would ask me to massage her scalp. Whichever one I did, I would visualize light coming out of my hands and healing her.
When I was 8 years old, I can remember the first time I sat next to my bedroom window, holding a paper airplane, and visualizing it flying out of my hand. No, it did not fly but it did move. Whenever my grandmother would light a candle, I would sit in front of it and ask the flame to move from side to side and up and down. Deep down inside of me, I knew I was different and had magical abilities.
When I was 21yrs. old, I was Baptized as a Spiritualist, at 24yrs. old I was initiated into the Afro-Cuban Congo religion, “Vtiti Congo”, and at 26yrs. old I was initiated as a Yayi Nkisi (Godmother), and by the time I was 33yrs. old; I was initiated in the African Belief of “Ifa”. At this point in my life, I knew the need to make changes because I was losing myself and not following my intuition and visions. So, I began to pull away from everything and started following my intuition, and visions. At 42yrs. old I found out about Reiki and began to teach myself until I was able to sign up for classes. I then became a Reiki Master and Teacher; and continued to study other energy modalities. Now at 49yrs. old I have added Violet Flame Practitioner/ Teacher, Akashic Recorder Practitioner, Archangel Metatron Practitioner, Crystal Healing Practitioner, and Quantum Energy Practitioner. I am also a Spiritual Life Couch and a Meditational Couch. Currently working on becoming a Hypnotherapist, but my journey doesn’t end here. I look forward to seeing what new studies I can obtain, so I can be more versatile for myself, my family, friends, and clients.
We as human beings wonder and search for our purpose or calling in this lifetime time but what we don’t realize is that our purpose and calling in each lifetime is to awaken, experience joy, happiness, love, and clear Cosmic Karma and blocks for ourselves, family, and friends. So, many people need to know that they are not alone or crazy nor are they going crazy and could lead a better life of their choice. I was blessed to have spiritual people in my life to pass down knowledge, teach me, and help me grow spiritually; not many people had or have this opportunity and are going through life feeling lost, helpless, confused, and depressed. I made it my mission to pass on everything I have learned to help others feel empowered, and free themselves from a belief system that was taught to us since the first time we were taught an emotion.
So, if you wanted me to label who I am, you can say, I am a Spiritualist, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Psychic, Tarot reader, Medium, Witch, Light Channel, Energy Healer, Seer, and Spiritual Alchemist but I do not claim to be just one; I am a combination of all and that makes me always open to all thing and willing to learn a new one. So, who am I….
I am a Divine Being of Light